A Snapshot on Indonesian Law Enforcement: Why are Minah and Aguswandi Different from Anggodo?

This just in, another tragicomedy arises in Indonesia. Check out the story of Mbok Minah - an unfortunate elderly lady in Darmakradenan, Ajibarang, Banyumas, Central Java - who was reportedly arrested after being charged of stealing THREE cocoas (worth IDR 2,100) at PT Rumpun Sari plantation. On metrotvnews.com, it was reported after she 'took' stealthily those three cocoas to plant the seeds on her own field, she was taken to court by PT Rumpun Sari so as to make the other cocoa 'thieves' (other villagers living around the plantation who sometimes do exactly what Minah did) think a thousand times before stealing the company's cocoas. But another tragicomedy is yet to come.

In the meantime, a 57-year-old man named Aguswandi Tanjung had been accused of making use of electricity from a public facility socket illegally (Kompas Cetak). The ill-fated man has been detained since September 8 allegedly due to his resistance against  the unfair policies made by ITC Roxy Mas developer, where he has been running two kiosks.

DetikNews covered another headline about (perhaps) the most sought-after siblings in the republic after Noordin Moh. top was shot dead, i.e. Anggoro and Anggodo. The younger sibling, Anggodo, has been dealing with a lot of prosecutions after his 'private' phone conversations tape with some of his scheming cohorts was exposed to the rest of the world without mercy. As we can see, however, neither Anggodo nor Anggoro is now announced to be officially charged of any crimes although their misdeeds are so  unforgivably degrading to the nation. It feels like every time I hear their names I am instantly nauseated. Don't ask me why. 

As for what is happening to our law enforcement these days, I could do nothing but fly the red-white flag at half-mast as I'm mourning for this nation's utterly chaotic and hopelessly miserable law enforcement. Day by day, this nation is like sinking deeper and deeper, and it doesn't take a long time for us to reach the bottom. We grass roots absolutely can do anything effectual about this but we do hope those elites who are just around the axis of power realize that whatever they do is effecting the whole nation and of course determining our future. If this continues, I may be an abstainer in the 2014 general elections. I swear!


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